Blog Post

VISSAL launches premium wood screw with TORX® ttap® Drive System 

Daniel Moe • May 25, 2017

VissalBois ttap® enables one-hand operations

By marketing November 8, 2021
FastenMaster ( ) continue to add new products with TORX® ttap® into their product range.
By Ttapdrive August 7, 2020
Features: The built-in washer head eliminates the need for an additional washer, saving time and money. The LedgerLOK® Flat Head with Torx® ttap® drive system installs flush to the ledger installation saving additional time and money.
By ttapdrive April 3, 2020
The screws can be purchased at Leroy Merlin in France and Russia. See the new STANDERS screw sortiment
By ttapdrive December 16, 2019
With Torx® ttap® Drive System
By Michael Claassen February 12, 2018
The Multi+® sortiment offers a complete range of wood screws with unique revolutionary properties that make screw driving easier, faster and better. Suitable for all types of wood, the full range of Multi+® consists of 8 different types of screws, including Multi+® with TORX® ttap®. The patented ttap® drive system enables one-hand operations and makes screw driving considerably more stable than with a classic TORX®. No pressure is needed, and screw driving becomes effortless. A ttap® bit is included in every box.
By Michael Claassen October 30, 2017
Wood and construction screw
By Michael Claassen October 30, 2017
Krigsvoll AS utstilte FIXXER® festemidler m/TORX® ttap® på Bygg Reis Deg 2017 i Lillestrøm 18.-21. oktober 2017. Krigsvoll er importør/grossist av maskiner, verktøy og jernvarer, og har siden 1972 levert varer til både forbruker og proff håndverker gjennom forhandlere over hele Norge.
By Daniel Moe May 26, 2017
Cortex Hidden Fastening System - For easier and faster installations
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